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Why did I post Blogumentary online for free?

Because of letters like this one:


My name is Vedran Vucic and I am working for the Linux Center in Belgrade, Serbia. However, we work with GNU/Linux and free software for more than 12 years and fight for freedom of speech and freedom of information infrastructure which is not the case in full sense yet.

I found your Blogumentary thanking to one our blogger who participated in our project on blogging in which we trained 40 people from various indpendent magazines, free lance journalists, students of journalism, members of NGOs to create and maintain their blogs. (aggregator is on http://planeta.moj-blog.org). I am sorry, but the posts are on Serbian which is probably not useful to you very much. :-)

We offer free of charge burning on CD your video so people with weaker Internet connection may see it and learn about importance of blogging. I hope that is OK for you. We plan to use your video on our seminars that are free of charge for those who would like to establish their blogs and give voice to teh public.

We will continue with our seminars and efforts to create much wider blogging community that will report on their perception of society, life, politics, culture, science, education etc.
Please continue your work with courage as you have had so far.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any requirements or questions.

WIth the highest respects,

Vedran Vucic
President of the Board

February 26, 2007 at 02:02 PM in Blogumentary | Permalink


Another gem from Vedrian:

"I think that big lesson for all powerholders is that people are like water, you cannot squeeze us. teher is always some invention, struggle, voice that fights back and express need for freedom against opression. Internet, blogs, audio stream, video stream, more of us who do such things, more chances for freedom."

Posted by: chuck olsen at Feb 26, 2007 2:58:10 PM

Hi, my name is Danica Radovanovic, information management professional, project coordinator and sci-edu blogger from Belgrade, Serbia. Just to add and quote above comment: "I found your Blogumentary thanking to one our blogger... " -> that 'one blogger was me (:
here here at my current blog
as i post it immediately when I found this great film in my feeds directory.
Thanks Chuck, and this important video for Serbian blogsphere and digital literacy education will go straight to the Ministries of Education, Science and technical information as well as to some Non-profit organizations in Serbia who matters for Open source and blogs as well.

Danica Radovanovic
Project coordinator of KoBSON,
CCMR Serbia and editor in chief of
E-LIS, International

Posted by: Danica Radovanovic at Feb 26, 2007 3:29:03 PM

Wow... that's incredible. Let me know if I can help in any way.

Posted by: chuck at Feb 27, 2007 2:34:50 AM

Hello Chuck,

Your video will be given to the Faculty of Political Sciences here to show it to the students of journalism and to the association of independent journalists of Vojvodina (region, north from Belgrade) to be freely distributed to their members.

I am glad that it moves forward. It is not possible to deny voices of freedom.



Posted by: Vedran at Feb 27, 2007 5:49:13 AM

This is really cool Chuck! Congratulations on changing the world for the better. I know your hard work will do much more.

Posted by: BrianR at Feb 27, 2007 7:27:52 AM

Wow, this is super awesome! See, all your hard work was worth it! And, will continue to be. Yaaay HOney!

Posted by: Lorika at Feb 27, 2007 10:19:09 AM

Chuck, I've already talked to coordinators of OA, directors of consortia(s) here in Europe, and in Belgrade, I've reffered and presented them a video, and we will - beside posting as educational material on our blog, make copies of Blogumentary for students at University, as well as for bloggers-to-be - > professionals in different areas of study and work, so I could raise awareness and the message you have shown in the Film.
Either on CD's (where Internet connection is not fast) or where possible - direct URL on the film.
Open source matters and I am glad that you came up with this great idea.


Posted by: Danica Radovanovic at Feb 27, 2007 10:41:19 AM

If Scrooge McDuck was your father, he would be very disappointed in you...
Visions of money bags dancing in his head.


Thanks for taking one for the team, though.
It was a great way to introduce my wife into the 'new' wave of awareness.

Seriously, can we donate somewhere?

Posted by: Joshua at Feb 27, 2007 4:14:26 PM

I'm strangely speechless.
Spread it far and wide, brothers of information freedom!

Posted by: chuck at Feb 27, 2007 4:22:21 PM

Wow. This is amazing.

Posted by: Jason at Feb 27, 2007 4:29:26 PM

One of teh biggest portals for information regarding teh events in Belgrade Creemaginet www.creemaginet.com posted my infromation on your movie Blogumentary.

You can find that infromation here:


Best wishes,


Posted by: Vedran Vucic at Feb 28, 2007 3:11:01 PM

Hello again Chuck:)

Forgot to add that at the beginning of February (Feb 8th 2007) when I first posted the information on Blogumentary in Serbia, in Europe, I got feedback from great activist blogger (who lives in France) - and writes tech. useful things on blogs, so he also spread this information to the other people at European Blogosphere the same day!
You may find his post here: http://www.blogowski.eu/2007/02/08/blogumentary/
and some of the comments.

I support you intiative, and if there is anything I can help (beside the rasing awarness on the influence of the blogs within Institutions I mentioned above, and NGO sector I work within') let me know!
I am an old blogger and Open access activist, and had good teacher -prof. Paul Jones was my mentor back years (@ UNC-SILS), so I am here in Europe to spread the idea and the message to the people where the consciousness and importance of blogs are now arising.

Posted by: Danica Radovanovic at Mar 2, 2007 6:18:43 AM

Chuck, I was truly moved by this post. Your movie is a historical landmark and will help the world in more ways, I'm sure, than we can even imagine...

Posted by: amanda at Mar 3, 2007 7:14:16 PM

Chuck, I was truly moved by this post. Your movie is a historical landmark and will help the world in more ways, I'm sure, than we can even imagine...

Posted by: amanda at Mar 3, 2007 7:16:06 PM

I'm moved too... and humbled.

Posted by: chuck at Mar 3, 2007 9:57:42 PM