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My favorite new song: "Imagine"

You know how annoying it is getting tons of friend requests from completely random bands, most of which suck? Well, maybe it's not such a band thing. Today I got a friend request from Master of Con?usion. He has a geeky Macbook-rainbow photo and he's from Minneapolis, so I checked out his tunes.

I didn't care for his default song, "Whatanassshaker," but then I clicked on "Imagine." Wow. This song put the biggest smile on my face. It's so damn techno-hippy-optimistic, and poppy as hell. I just love the living crap out of this song. Share in my joy, won't you? And somebody put this guy on the radio.


Download the MP3

October 19, 2007 at 03:29 PM in Local, Music | Permalink
