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Spring Cleaning
Just a quick post - I know it's been awhile! But, as my fellow secret farmers know, Spring is a busy time. So many seeds to plant and so much mulch to remove. It's clean up time!
April 18, 2009 | Permalink
I love this time of year...it's the only time I don't mind dandelions! After the long winter, I'll take any green I can get. This winter I did do something new, though....worm composting. I use table scraps and shredded newspaper to get out rich, organic worm castings that is 100% natural, organic soil. Highly recommend it as it helps you and the environment (less pollution, less landfill). http://www.red-worm-composting.com/
Posted by: Mark at May 7, 2009 9:26:18 PM
Cool. I've been thinking about doing the indoor worm composting myself, to supplement my outdoor composting. Also, I like that you can "recycle" more of your food with the wormies.
Posted by: Lorika at May 15, 2009 12:26:46 PM
Creeping Charlie will outlive all of us. For billions of years.
Posted by: MNObserver at May 27, 2009 3:50:31 PM
One more thing -- I lost LOTS this winter. My honeysuckle (which grows like a weed most of the time) is dead. My supposedly hardy Alberta climbing rose died back and lost about half its size. My purple-leafed/pink-flowered small bush/tree (I don't know what it's called) is three-quarters dead and going to be removed this weekend. The privet is doing ok, but the yews in front have some ugly die-back. The hardy daisies never came back.
It's sad.
Posted by: MNObserver at May 28, 2009 10:52:37 AM
Your problem with the diebacks/outs, could have more to do with rain than temps. I lost a few things this Spring due to way below normal rain levels. I just didn't think about watering this stuff as I normally never had to!
Posted by: Lorika at Jun 23, 2009 12:02:34 PM
Spring is coming up again and we are getting excited! I have a worm farm as well Mark that I have in my garden shed in the back yard. It is fascinating and very environmentally friendly. Kids love it as well.
I'd better go and we all busy preparing for spring anyways...
Regards, Andy Absco
Posted by: Andy Absco at Mar 1, 2010 1:02:26 AM
The privet is doing ok, but the yews in front have some ugly die-back. The hardy daisies never came back.
Posted by: Ladies Boots at Nov 30, 2011 6:49:28 AM