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All about the berries!

All about the berries
Originally uploaded by Lorika13.

Hey! Two posts in one day?! What the...!

Yes, the berries. That is what it is all about right now at the secret farm. First, it was the strawberries by the bucket all June long (and still a few stragglers now) And right on their heels (or whatever berries have) the raspberries! They are crazy this year! Which makes me wonder, do berries like drought? I did not water the raspberries AT ALL, and they are just nutso! BTW, the pic shows about a 1/4 of the raspberries picked yesterday!

The strawberries were pretty gangbusters too, with very little attention from me. In fact, watering them just seems to encourage slug damage, so I am refraining.

I just don't know how they make themselves so juicy and delicious without rain!? I know raspberries have very deep roots - ever try to dig some up? But strawberries have very shallow roots. Pretty amazing.

What are all your berries up to? What are your favs?

July 8, 2009 | Permalink


That's quite a harvest! My blueberries are coming along nicely this year, and I'm looking forward to making some homemade blueberry pie! It's always better to grow your own, don't you think? :D


Christina Nielson
Marketing Assistant

Posted by: Online Flower Delivery at Aug 7, 2009 9:31:09 PM

Congrats on your berries! You're doing a pretty good job. Some berries are really drought tolerant. And strawberries don't want to sit in soggy soil.

But anyways, I see you haven't posted in a while. Hope you'd tell us more about your secret garden, err, farm. =)

Posted by: Nova - Grow Herb Garden at Feb 18, 2010 12:17:41 AM

The berries is looking nice. I want to eat it. I love your work. I read your blog regularly but I can not always comment. I like the way you write me how to love your positive outlook on life are an inspiration to all me.

Posted by: Pond Liners at Jan 20, 2011 5:49:07 PM

Lovely post and I love the pictures! keep them coming I thourghly enjoyed it

Posted by: Tree surgeons London at Nov 23, 2011 3:24:07 PM