« February 2006 | Main



Chuck in a wheelchair

Let's see... what did I do Friday night? See the North American premier of A Prairie Home Companion? Nope. Go to any of the many SXSW parties with my videoblogger pals? No.

As you might have seen from my Flickr photo, I was in an Austin hospital with what turned out to be strep throat. This was a huge relief actually, because the doctor seemed kinda obsessed with giving me a spinal tap (!) to check for meningitis.

Anyway, I'll stop whining now. I've got antibiotics and am holed up in Robert's house, and he's just the nicest guy ever. A big-hearted Texan with the oldest pig in the state out in his backyard. Rocketboom has been editing their much-anticipated commercials on my laptop while I've been passed out in the spare bedroom, waiting for this to pass. Amanda's mom is a doctor, and says I should be mostly over it (and no longer contagious) after 24 hours on antibiotics. So tonight... I will emerge. Gently, like a feeble butterfly.

March 11, 2006 in Personal Crap | Permalink | Comments (5) | TrackBack


Rocketboom in the NY Times

Broadcast television is dead? Not bloody likely, but still food for thought from a blog called chartreuse (beta) and written about in today's NY Times: A Blog Writes the Obituary of TV

March 11, 2006 | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack